7 Ways to Boost Your Results
Everyone starts a fitness program with a personal goal in mind, such as: losing weight, improving health or enhancing sport performance. All are excellent reason for exercising. What most people fail to realize is that fitness is not a short term commitment. It is so much more then working out for three weeks in hopes of dropping 5-10 pounds before going on a vacation.
- Eat five to six time per day. You will feel full longer which can help keep you from over eating and you will keep your blood sugar levels more stable.
- Change your workout at least every eight weeks. Your body adapts quickly. Without new challenges you risk hitting a training plateau and your results with diminish.
- Cut back on liquid calories. Water is your best choice. It is easy to consume as many as a 1,000 calories a day.
- Hire a personal trainer. This is money well spent. If you are not familiar with effective training techniques this is a very valuable investment. An Arena District Athletic Club trainer can help get your training program going in the right direction. fitCAMP is also an excellent option for anyone looking to jump start a training program.
- Eat breakfast. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Never workout on an empty stomach, especially first thing in the morning. You need energy to perform physical activity, food give you energy.
- Get a workout buddy. You will be more accountable if you have a friend who is counting on you. If this is not an option take a group fitness class or join fitCAMP. Working out with other will help you feel more motivated.
- Don’t stop exercising. Exercise delivers a lifetime of benefits to both your physical and mental health. Make exercise part of your daily routine. It is never too late to start – if your breathing you should be exercising!