Arena Athletic presents team fitness challenges to pledge funds for Operation Feed
This month the ADAC team goes head to head with their own fitness challenges to raise funds for Operation Feed. These aren’t easy fitness challenges, either! There are rumors Bill may do shoot through push-ups, Velma might spin for 24 hours, Jimmy may clean & press for an hour and who knows, Kendra maaaay challenge her husband to clap push-ups. Oh the fun this will be! The best part, it’s putting our best fitness talents forward, for a great cause.
What is Operation Feed?
Mid-Ohio Foodbank distributed over 50 million pounds of food last year, enabling food pantries, soup kitchens and emergency shelters across 20 counties to provide food for more than 107,000 meals each day. Your Operation Feed efforts make this support possible.
Who Needs Help?
One in six Ohioans is food insecure. They don’t know where a next meal is coming from. It could be your coworker, friend, or neighbor. Many struggling families have to choose between paying for housing, utilities or medical expenses and putting food on the table.
- More than 248,000 individuals receive emergency food each year through Mid-Ohio Foodbank.
- 35% of food requests from pantries are for children. 15% are for senior citizens.
- About half of client households have at least one working adult.
- Only 5% of clients are homeless; 1 in 5 is a homeowner.
What can you do?
Inside the lobby at the Club, you can pledge a specified amount for the fitness challenge of your choice.
Trainer fitness challenges:
Bill: Shoot through push-ups
max reps in 5 minutes
6/28/14 @ 9:30am (after fitcamp)
Velma: Spin w/Mayor Mike
2 hours/$50 per bike
Can split/share the 2 hours/bike with a partner($25 each)
T-shirt and light refreshments
6/28/14 @ 8:45am
Charles: 60 Jump Rope Reps & 10 TRX Atomic Push-Ups
Max Rounds in 5 minutes
Goal: 7 rounds
July 5th @ 9am
Aron: Deadlift w/135lbs for Max Reps
Goal: 55 reps
6/26/14 (no set time)
Jimmy: Will work his way up to his Max Clean
Goal: 170lbs.
Date: TBD
Kendra: Clap Push-up Challenge
Husband vs. Wife
Goal: 15-20
June 29th @11:20am (after Full Body Blast)
See more here: http://www.midohiofoodbank.org/act/operation-feed