Be a bigger part of the District with ADAC donations to Operation Feed
Did you know for the price of one coffee or protein shake a week you you can feed a child for a YEAR?
You can signup for an autodraw from your membership account to making a monthly donation to the Mid Ohio Food Bank. Even a small monthly donation makes a big difference! It’s simple, $10.50 a month is just over $2 a week and by the end of the year you have donated 126 with out even noticing it!
- Follow this link: https://www.midohiofoodbank.org/donate-opfeed
- Select: Arena District Athletic Club from the “company name” drop down
- Select your payment option:
- $23.00 monthly to feed a child for a year
- $10.50 monthly to feed a senior for two weeks each month
- Other Monthly Amount $ (Every $1 = 4 meals!)
Thank you for your support! Also, check the front lobby for our upcoming trainer challenges to help raise funds for Operation Feed!