Bridal Boot Camp – Day 37
Day 37 – August 11
First of all, let me just say that I think I’ve started to kick my terrible sugar addiction! This weekend we went to the Ohio State Fair and I got a Lemon Shake-Up, my very favorite fair food-crime! I was so hot and I couldn’t wait until I could get the straw to my lips. I took one sip and almost spit it out. It was SOOO sugary.
My body has been going through a slow and steady detox ever since I talked to Maggie about my struggles with sugar. I haven’t cut it out completely, but I’ve attempted lowering my sugar intake and I can tell that my body likes it better. The day after the fair I felt miserable because I put so much more sugar into my body, including a bit of deep fried candy bar that my friend wanted me to try. (I said cutting back remember 😉 But the following day I felt so dehydrated and I had a headache that just wouldn’t quit. My legs also felt ten pounds heavier. So I’m back on the wagon.
Basically the biggest change that I’ve made, was to stop buying ice cream, cookies or anything else that is super sugary. Instead, I’ve replaced those things with dried fruits or granola bars that have less sugar or a healthier version of sugar. Here’s what an average day looks like in terms of meals for me:
– Large glass of warm water
– Coffee with CoffeeMate (I can’t get rid of my CoffeMate, it’s one thing I’ll try to cut back on more, but for now it’s the only way I can get through the bitter coffee I need to function.)
– A Kashi Trail Mix Bar (Before Maggie, my breakfast was usually two S’More flavored Poptarts)
– Sometimes I add a 1/4-1/2 cup of plain Greek Yogurt. Maggie says to stay away from the “Low Fat” or “Non Fat” yogurts because when they take out the fat, they often add more sugar or salt for flavor. So get the full fat version as it will satisfy you faster.
– One large piece of fruit, lately it has been peaches, or two small plums.
– A turkey wrap on a whole grain wrap, I like the sun-dried tomato flavor, with one slice of swiss cheese and a pickle.
– A small bag of carrots with hummus.
– 6 oz of meat, usually chicken. A good way to measure is by using the palm of your hand. It should be about that size and about that thickness as well.
– Grilled or cooked veggies. I’m loving the fresh zucchini we have from my garden, but we also eat a lot of green beans and asparagus. Because of Maggie’s recommendation, we have also started eating eggplant. She told me we should eat the rainbow and so I’ve started looking for more colorful veggies to experiment with. So far eggplant has been our favorite.
– Some kind of whole grain. I love quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wa), but sometimes we eat rice instead. Find fun quinoa recipes here.

It is an edible seed that sort of feels like rice. Like rice you can flavor it with broths or spices or mix in veggies to make it a warm salad.
– I eat a handful of banana chips dipped in peanut butter
– OR I eat a handful of dried ginger. It has a bit of a spicy kick and for some reason it satisfies my sweet tooth every time!
It’s not the world’s easiest thing to give up, but I’m well on my way to kicking my sugar addiction. I still allow myself to indulge a bit. I can’t wait to eat the cupcakes at my wedding! But I will be eating them with the knowledge that I don’t need sugar and that I can go right back to my new healthier way of eating. I know I’m not eating perfectly, but this is a vast improvement from where I was.
If you struggle with sugar like I did, reach out and talk to Maggie. She can help you identify your triggers and give you easy ways to combat your cravings. In fact, if you just want to see what great nutrition advice Maggie would give you, you should reach out to her here and set up a consultation.
Oh and Columbus Bride has this awesome blog out about my journey!!! You should totally check it out.
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