EarthQuake Bar training
ADAC now has the Earh Quake Bar,this unique, hand-made Bar, weighing in at only 5.4-lbs, can routinely handle weight in excess of 300-lbs. everyday – all day long. And it does its job with the utmost precision by targeting Oscillating Kinetic Energy (OKE) to the shoulders, elbows, biceps and lower back to heal and strengthen the stabilizing muscles that are necessary for healthy joint function. It is the only piece of Rehab/Exercise equipment in the world that heals shoulder injuries primarily by using the Bench Press exercise!
Always have a partner when using the EarthQuake bar as you will need help to load it as it will tip very easily and you will want a spotter as it tends to have a mind of its own.
Ask a personal trainer or check out this video to learn more about how to effectivly use this training device to improve your form and strength: