Exercise and aging: Can you walk away from Father Time?
Exercise and aging: Can you walk away from Father Time?
I came across this very interesting article after one of my long time fitCAMPER told me they were turning 40 this year and that he really wanted to step up his training. It’s been three weeks now and I have yet to see him at fitCAMP? With the new year we all start out with good intentions to be more active. We know it is good for us but do we really understand the effects of aging and how exercise, while not a cure for aging is our best shot at maintaining a healthy life. The article below is from a 2005 Harvard Health Publication.
The clock ticks for all men, and with each tick comes change. For men who manage to avoid major medical problems, the changes are slow and gradual, but they do add up. Here are some things that aging can do to you — if you give up and let Father Time take his toll.
Some of the changes of aging start as early as the third decade of life. After age 25–30, for example, the average man’s maximum attainable heart rate declines by about one beat per minute, per year, and his heart’s peak capacity to pump blood drifts down by 5%–10% per decade. That’s why a healthy 25-year-old heart can pump 2½ quarts of oxygen a minute, but a 65-year-old heart can’t get above 1½ quarts, and an 80-year-old heart can pump only about a quart, even if it’s disease-free. In everyday terms, this diminished aerobic capacity can produce fatigue and breathlessness with modest daily activities.
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