How old are you REALLY?
Hey guys! Michelle here, brand new guest blogger for the Arena District Athletic Club, coming to you live! (well not really, but yeah). I wanted to start by sharing a little bit about myself. I’m just your regular average Jane: 23 years old, working full time, single, no children, vegetarian, and wanting to get a handle on my health and fitness journey. My biggest concern coming out of college was how my daily movement was going to be dramatically reduced now that I have officially joined the work force.
I went from walking to classes across campus all day every day to having a desk job and making infrequent trips to get coffee in our break room. For a long time I was putting off getting a gym membership. I used about every excuse in the book until finally; I realized that I needed to just bite the bullet and get one.
Nothing was forcing me to get a membership and nothing drastic happened as far as weight gain or health concerns. I just came to the conclusion that I was really hurting myself by not getting active and taking the necessary measures to prevent something drastic from happening. I mean c’mon, how much longer can you ‘like’ everything on the health and fitness section of pinterest before you go bonkers? I became a member right at the peak cliché time, January 4th (yes I know, bandwagon, but I warned ya) and have honestly been active at the gym ever since.
This facility was the right fit for me, because I work relatively close to the gym, so I know I’m nearby every day. Once I signed up for a membership, things really took off! The highly-trained staff of personal trainers immediately welcomed me and showed me around the club and offered some services that come with an initial membership.
One of the things that sparked my interest the most was the health assessment to discover my “Body Age”. Brittany, one of their certified personal trainers, took me through the assessment step by step. Some of the things the assessment tested were my: cardio, strength, flexibility, blood pressure and BMI. The assessment all together was about 30 minutes long. Surprisingly, during the assessment I was actually a little tired and sweat a little. That blew my mind because Brittany really wasn’t asking me to do much, just a few moves for a short period of time to gauge my range of fitness.
Sad to say, as a recent college graduate of 23 my fitness age was … was… 34. Yep, that’s right 34. Crazy right!? Who would’ve thought? Still cringe a little when I say it out loud.
But, thankfully another one of the services that the Arena District Athletic Club offers to new members is an hour long session with a personal trainer. I used this time to work with Brittney to create a personalized six week workout plan to help me bring my fitness age back down.
So as I embark on this six week journey stay tuned to see what the results of my next assessment is (because I am totally taking it again) and in the meantime, if its not to late, take the “Body Age” assessment and see what your fitness age is! I’ll be back with more information on other resources that you may not know were available to you all from The Arena District Athletic Club. Until next time everyone, be stronger than your excuses! Signed,
A 23 year old trapped in a 34 year olds body (literally).