Workout Challenge – Benefiting the MidOhio Food Bank
Operation Feed HUNGER GAMES fitness challenge
For time, complete rounds of 10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
- Deadlift (male 95 pounds / female 65 pounds)
- Burpees
Follow each round with 55 jump rope (substitute jumping jacks)
(Max time 15:00 minutes)
Complete 3 rounds
200m Row
20 Push-Ups
20 Wall Ball Shots to 7’ target (male 14-pound med ball / female 12-pound med ball)
(Max time 15:00 minutes)
Perform 3 Rounds
.15 Treadmill Run @ 15% incline
15 body weight squat to deck
15 KB Swings (male 35-pound / female 25-pound)
(Max time 15:00 minutes)
WORKOUT: 4* Stairway to Hell & Back!
Perform 15 reps of each exercise followed by designated stair run
Men: (KB Swing = 50lb, Thruster = 25lb DB, KB Clean/Press = 35lb, Wall Ball = 20lb med ball)
Women: (KB Swing = 25lb, Thruster = 15lb DB, KB Clean/Press = 15lb, Wall Ball = 12lb med ball)
Burpee Stair run – 2nd floor
Kettle Bell Swing Stair run – 3rd floor
Thruster Stair run – 4th floor
Kettle Bell Clean & Press Stair run – 5th floor
Push-ups (Hands Release) Stair run – 6th floor
Wall ball Shots Stair run – 6th floor
Burpee Stair run – 6th floor
Kettle Bell Swing Stair run – 5th floor
Thruster Stair run – 4th floor
Kettle Bell Clean & Press Stair run – 3rd floor
Push-ups (Hands Release) Stair run – 2nd floor
Wall ball Shots
Max time 30:00 minutes
*This is a very intense workout and should not be attempted
without sufficient conditioning. Adjust reps, weight and
number of steps climbed as needed to work up to the full
See a staff member or Trainer for explanation of exercises