Jump Start your Training - Arena District Athletic Club Skip to main content

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Bill Brown
Oct 28, 2013

Jump Start your Training

It’s been a few months since you first started and you’re not seeing the same kind of results as you did at the beginning. Sound familiar?

You may have hit a plateau in your training program. In fact, unless you continually update your program to reflect the changes your body has already experienced, you are almost guaranteed to plateau at some point along your journey toward reaching your training goals.

The solution to the plateau is generally an easy one that involves varying your routine. The following approaches can help you steer clear of a strength plateau.

Turn Up the Intensity. If you have been training two to three times per week for more than six months, performing 10 to 20 exercises per session, and are looking for additional size and/or strength gains, you should look closely at one factor: intensity. It seems that the best stimulus for increasing strength gains is to make the muscles work harder, as opposed to longer. High-intensity training may be the edge you need to get yourself off of a strength plateau.
If you’re considering using lighter weights and more repetitions to get stronger or improve the appearance of your muscles, think again. High-repetition, low-resistance training is usually not sufficient to stimulate significant strength gains.

Take a yoga class. Yoga is a non-competitive, non-judgmental practice that focuses on the connection between mind and body. Yoga provides numerous physical benefits, like increased muscle strength and endurance, and improved balance and flexibility. The deep mindful breathing that is used in yoga improves lung capacity, dramatically reduces emotional and nervous anxiety, promoting relaxation, and also leads to improved body awareness. Yoga also provides numerous psychological benefits, such as improved mood and concentration, as well as an increased sense of self-acceptance.

Work with a personal trainer. A personal trainer can provide you with a safe and effective exercise program designed to meet your specific fitness goals. Utilizing an individualized approach to exercise, a personal trainer will assess your current fitness level, educate you on health and fitness, and develop, guide and motivate you through a comprehensive fitness program that meets your individual goals and needs and sets you up for success.

Sign up for a fitness boot camp class. Boot camp workouts continue to gain popularity as they provide a total-body workout that’s varied, fun and challenging. You can burn up to 600 calories during a boot camp session, which is a great option for weight loss. In addition to a great cardiovascular workout, muscles are strengthened through high- and low-intensity exercises like push-ups, squats and lunges. Exercising in a group also provides great social benefit, which for some may make your workout more enjoyable.

Complete a race. No matter the distance or how you complete the race (running, walking, rollerblading, cycling, swimming, etc), finishing a race gives you a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment like no other. For many women, signing up for a race provides the incentive and motivation to adopt a regular exercise program and healthier eating habits. Telling your friends or loved ones that you’re registered for a race will give you additional encouragement and support, which may increase your motivation to commit to giving 100% not only on race day, but also in your training.

The Arena District Athletic Club offer a full complement of Fitness ClassesPersonal Training and Group Training programs to help you get your fitness program back on track!

CATEGORIES: Blog, Uncategorized

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