Thai Yoga Massage Partner Workshop
Thai Yoga Massage Partner Workshop
Give and receive the restorative benefits of Thai Yoga massage in this interactive workshop.
Bring a partner (spouse, friend, workout partner etc.) and learn techniques you can use to help your friends and family with pain and stress relief along with relaxation!
When: Sunday March 12, 1 – 3 pm
Where: Arena District Athletic Club
Cost: Free (club membership not required)
Space is Limited, Advance Registration Required
Call: 614.461.7785 or email info@arenaathletic.com
Charles at gibby@arenaathletic.com
Charles Gibson is a certified Thai yoga
massage practitioner and has been a
fitness professional for over 18 years. He was first introduced to this form of
bodywork 8 years ago. Charles has been
practicing and studying for the last 6 years