Top 10 Benefits of Drinking More Water
Staying hydrated, especially during the summer, is so important to a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies are made up of almost 70% water. When water is not present, the body starts to break down and problems begin to happen. Most people don’t realize they are dehydrated! Many times, the feeling of thirst is actually mistaken for a feeling of hunger. With readily available medications, it is easy to want them to help with some common complaints such as muscle soreness, weight loss, headaches- when in reality something so simple as water can cure so much! Read about the health benefits of water here, your body will thank you later.
Reduces kidney stones:
- kidney stones are a result of a buildup of mineral deposits in the kidneys
- drinking water dilutes salts and minerals
- stones cannot form in diluted urine
- helps reduce the chance of urinary tract infections
Helps with digestion:
- helps dissolve waste particles
- helps pass them through the digestive tract
- if dehydrated, the body absorbs all the water, leaving colon dry
- hard to pass stool
Clearer skin:
- hydrated cells are plump, eliminating the look of wrinkles and lines
- flushes out impurities and increases blood flow
- skin looks younger and healthier
- moisturizes
- reduces risk of acne
Increase workout time:
- helps lubricate joints
- prevents muscle cramping
- help exercise time to be longer and harder
Boost your energy:
- dehydration makes you feel tired
- helps your heart pump blood efficiently
- helps blood transport necessary nutrients and oxygen to cells
Lose weight:
- cold water boosts metabolism
- gives the sensation of fullness, helping to eat less
- drink some water before eating each meal
- Sometimes the feeling of hunger is actually thirst!
Boosts Immune system:
- helps fight against sickness
- helps when sick to reduce loss of body fluids
- prevent nausea and vominiting
Regulates body temperature:
- helps cool the body when it is evaporated from skin
- keeping body at a constant body temperature
Helps with bad breath:
- bad breath can be a sign of dehydration
- keeps mouth wet
- helps wash away bacteria and food particles
Save money:
- tap water is inexpensive
- drinking water as opposed to sugary drinks will save you money at the grocery and long term-from health problems