Yogic Massage – Free Class Event

Presented as Ayurvedic & Chinese Medicine, great for beginners to advanced individuals!
Click here to reserve your space: https://www.arenaathletic.com/schedule/ then select 1/13
Maggie Fekete is currently registered with Yoga Alliance as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher. She has been passionate about yoga for over 21 years and continues to practice daily.
Maggie focuses on improving flexibility and balance, building strength, reducing stress, and enhancing relaxation. She loves leading guided meditation.
Her teaching style directs the transformative process by allowing you the time necessary to go deep within your physical body, heart, and mind, creating a profound restorative experience. At each interaction, Maggie strives to infuse a sensation of vitality throughout every level of your being.
If you desire to learn more about Maggie’s background and offerings, please visit: www.MaggieFekete.com/education